Celebrating the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle


The Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, celebrated on July 3rd, honors one of Jesus' twelve disciples, often remembered for his moment of doubt and profound faith. Known as "Doubting Thomas," he declared, "My Lord and my God!" upon seeing the risen Christ. His story reminds us of the journey from doubt to faith and encourages us to seek a deeper understanding of our beliefs.

Start with a story.

Preschool and Kindergarten: 


You can go ahead and read to your Preschool to Primary children any of the 2 books
suggested. But you can also find books on St. Thomas the Apostle in your local library
or bookstore. Middle and High schoolers, can read independently the suggested books
and podcasts or they can research on St. Thomas the Apostle on their own.

Middle School:
After reading and talking about the life of St. Thomas the Apostle, you may choose the next activity, depending on the age or ages of your children. for younger children, I would immediately go to a craft or a coloring activity, just so we could further discuss or 'wonder' about a saint's life.

I have a free printable on my The Saints Printables page, and you can download and use for the whole family. You can print them smaller to fit your journals, or in A4 size for folders, if you keep any.


Preschool - Kindergarten:

  1. Finger Painting St. Thomas: Create a simple finger-painting portrait of St. Thomas.

  2. Draw and/or build a house or building: Since St. Thomas the Apostle is the patron saint of Architects, draw houses or buildings on paper then use your children's building blocks or Duplo to try to build your children's drawings.

Primary School:

  1. St. Thomas Crossword Puzzle: Solve a crossword puzzle with clues about St. Thomas' life.

download it here

2. Role-Playing: Act out the scene where Thomas meets the risen Jesus and expresses his faith.

Videos to Watch:

Middle School:

  1. Faith and Doubt Discussion: Host a group discussion on faith and doubt, using Thomas' story as a starting point.

            You may use one of these prompts as your starting point:
    • Thomas' Skepticism and Faith: In John 20:24-29, Thomas expresses doubt until he sees and touches Jesus' wounds. How do you relate to Thomas' skepticism? Can you share a moment when you experienced doubt in your faith and how you navigated through it?
    • The Role of Doubt in Faith: Doubt is often seen as a negative aspect of faith. How can doubt be a constructive part of one’s spiritual journey? Share any personal experiences or examples from Thomas' story that illustrate this perspective.
    • Community and Belief: Thomas initially doubted because he wasn't with the other disciples when Jesus appeared to them. How does being part of a faith community help in strengthening belief and addressing doubts? What role does community play in your own faith journey?
    • Personal Encounter with Faith: Thomas' faith was confirmed through a personal encounter with Jesus. How important is a personal experience of faith in overcoming doubt? Have you had any personal experiences that significantly impacted your belief?
    • Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen: Jesus said to Thomas, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." What does this statement mean to you? How can we cultivate and maintain faith in the absence of physical proof? Share ways you find faith and reassurance in your daily life.
        2. Art Project: Create a collage depicting Thomas' journey from doubt to belief.

Videos to Watch:


  1. Debate on Faith: Organize a debate on the importance of questioning and faith in spiritual growth

    • Questioning as a Path to Deeper Faith: St. Thomas' initial doubt led to a profound personal encounter with Christ. Can questioning and doubt be seen as essential steps toward a deeper, more resilient faith? Argue for or against this perspective using examples from Thomas' story.

    • The Necessity of Evidence in Faith: St. Thomas demanded physical proof of Jesus' resurrection. Is it reasonable to expect tangible evidence to strengthen one’s faith, or should faith transcend the need for physical proof? Discuss the implications of both viewpoints.

    • Role of Critical Thinking in Spiritual Growth: How does critical thinking and questioning contribute to spiritual growth and maturity? Should believers be encouraged to question their faith like St. Thomas, or should they strive for unwavering belief without doubt?

    • Faith Without Seeing: Jesus told Thomas, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." Is unquestioning faith superior to a faith that requires evidence and questioning? Debate the merits and challenges of each approach to belief.

    • Impact of Doubt on Community: St. Thomas’ doubt and subsequent belief occurred within the context of his community of disciples. How does questioning and doubt affect the faith community as a whole? Should communities foster an environment that encourages questioning, or one that promotes steadfast faith without doubt?

        2. Creative Writing: Write a reflection or a modern-day retelling of Thomas' encounter with Jesus.

    • Modern-Day Retelling: Imagine Thomas' encounter with the resurrected Jesus happening in today's world. Write a short story or narrative where Thomas is a contemporary character dealing with doubt and skepticism in a modern setting. How does he come to believe, and what circumstances lead to his transformation?
    • Personal Reflection: Reflect on a time when you experienced doubt in your faith and had a significant moment that changed your perspective, similar to Thomas' encounter with Jesus. Write a personal essay detailing your journey from doubt to belief, highlighting the emotions, challenges, and ultimate resolution of your faith struggle.

Videos to Watch:

Celebrate with food. One good way to help your children remember feasts and associate
them with love and affection is through food. We currently live in the Middle East and have
access to authentic curry dishes because many Indian nationals live and work here too. We
have come to love and appreciate the Indian Curry in contrast to the Filipino version. so here
is the best (so far) Chicken Curry recipe I have tried.

Extending the 'lesson' a bit for elementary to high school level children, especially homeschooled kids like mine would entail a little bit of creativity. 

We usually use Google Maps to locate a Saint's birthplace or mission country. But before we do that, I ask my son to list down the places he thinks is important when he reads the life of a saint. And so this is a little bit of Geography and History, with a bit of technology thrown in. 

Important Places in the Life of St. Thomas

  1. Jerusalem - Where Thomas expressed his doubt and later his faith in the resurrected Jesus.

  2. Bethany - Near where Thomas encouraged the disciples to go with Jesus to raise Lazarus.

  3. Port of Muziris - An island near Cochin which was overcome by flood in 1341AD due to a massive flood

  4. India - Specifically, Chennai (Madras) where Thomas is traditionally believed to have been martyred.

As we celebrate the Feast of St. Thomas, let us embrace his example of questioning and deepening our faith. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments or on social media. Don't forget to join our mailing list for more feast day ideas and activities!